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  Home > Fantasy, scince fiction and Gothic

*Mythos Greek Gods and Beasts*  Demeter.
*Mythos Greek Gods and Beasts*  Demeter. *Mythos Greek Gods and Beasts*  Demeter. *Mythos Greek Gods and Beasts*  Demeter.

*Mythos Greek Gods and Beasts* Demeter.

*Mythos Greek Gods and Beasts*



Mythos Greek die cast figure

is of Demeter she is in a

standing position and is

dressed in a black and gold outfit,

she is holding a staff and

has an animal skull on her head

with the name Demeter on the base

Figure is approx. 6.5cms high,


Perfect for one who likes to

collect Greek figures


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check out the rest of our shop.


Our Price: £3.00

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