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  Home > Wholesale and clearance

200  x single blind bags mixed pack.
200  x single blind bags mixed pack. 200  x single blind bags mixed pack. 200  x single blind bags mixed pack. 200  x single blind bags mixed pack.

200 x single blind bags mixed pack.

*Brand  New*

*Blind Bags.*


This is for a box of 200 x single

assortered blind bags.

Assortment dose very depending
what we have in stock at time of sale.


Pack includes
 a good mix from the

listed below :-

Combat of giant dragons,

cut the rope

Clash of heroes,

Thumb wrestling federation,

Street beanz,

Kooti kooti wrestling sticks,

FT champs,


Dragon Trainer,

Angry Birds star wars,



Teeny Little Families,




and many more.


Not suitable for under 3 years.


There are many more to collect.

  Ideal for shops, markets,
carboots and party bags.


Our Price: £75.00

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